Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow....Have I created a monster!

So I have decided to quit breastfeeding Tyler...aside from the multiple times I have been bitten by him(teeth don't feel so hot!), and with my schedule change coming up in January both Ken and I feel this may be the best option. Needless to say it isn't easy at all....Jake was so simple, then again he was a year old and NOT used to sleeping half of his night in our bed with us. I always sat in a recliner chair in Jake's room to feed him and put him back into his crib immediately, I don't have that chair anymore and so I started to bring Ty into bed with me when I was feeding him. I should have been much better about getting back up to put him in his crib...because not only am I trying to wean him but I am now also fighting with getting him to sleep in his own bed too! It has proven to be an interesting feat....we have 2 nights down, and many, many more to go. I just hope that they get better because I NEED to get more than 3-4hrs of sleep before he wakes up and refuses to go back to bed. Sure I could leave him to cry it out for a few minutes...while it seems cruel it is only a few minutes before they fall to back asleep, but I have other people in the house to think about and to let sleep! Any suggestions would be more than welcomed!